Is travel insurance worth it?



With summer just around the corner, it’s that time of year to make plans! Whether it’s a road trip, international vacation, or a weekend getaway with your loved ones, a lot goes into planning your trips so you can relax and let loose.

Today, there are so many options out there to save on planning your trip from cheap hotel websites, to trip discounts, restaurant deals and everything in between – what do you do when it comes to travel insurance? Is this an expense you should try to save on too and just not purchase? After all, what could really go wrong?

There’s no mistake in trying to save some money, but there are a few reasons why you may not want to skip out on travel insurance this summer.

Let’s say that you have an awesome 2 week vacation planned with your family – it starts with a cruise, then renting a car for a quick road trip and flying back home. Two weeks of outdoor activities, good food, lots of laugh and a ton of memories to make. Nothing can go wrong . . . until a storm decides to come through putting a stop to all your plans. Now what? Can travel insurance help?

While this doesn’t happen often, here are a few tips to help you decide whether or not you need travel insurance for your big summer trip:

#1) How much will this vacation cost?

When booking your trip, take note of how much cancellation fees or date change fees will cost. For a weekend getaway, this may not be much, for a two week getaway, cancellations and changes in plans make dig a big hole in your pocket. In the case of the 2 week getaway mentioned above – definitely take advantage of travel insurance to make sure you don’t spend a fortune in cancellation fees.

#2) What coverage does your current homeowner’s or renter’s policy provide?

Let’s say your bags don’t make it to your room on the cruise ship. Now what? Before leaving on your trip, talk to your insurance agent to see if your personal policies provide coverage for lost or stolen luggage, personal belongings and rental cars. 

#3) Will your credit card provide any protection?

Check with your credit card company to see if they offer protection based on the type of cardholder you are. Some companies may provide rental car coverage, coverage for lost or stolen baggage, or even coverage for if your travel provider discontinues service. 

#4) What’s your activity level going to be?

If you vacation plans include relaxing on the beach with a margarita in hand, the chances of you being injured on your vacation are slim to none. BUT if your vacation includes physical activities like biking, rock climbing, surfing or scuba diving, you should consider a travel insurance policy.

You want to have a true vacation, especially when it’s only for two weeks.  Eliminate any possible hitches and consider what other coverage you may need.

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Are you ready to save time, aggravation, and money? The team at Golden Rule Insurance Associates is here and ready to make the process as painless as possible. We look forward to meeting you!

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